Time: March 3, 2012 all day
Location: Virginia Beach
Event Type: virginia beach entertainment, virginia beach bands, virginia beach nightlife
Organized By: VBnightlife.com
Latest Activity: Mar 3, 2012
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11th Street Taphouse- Locals Night w/Cheap Thrills, 10PM
15th Street Raw Bar- Brandon Bower
501 City Grill- Pridemore
Abbey Road- Jackson LeBEAU
Boneshakers - DEJA, 8:30
Calypso- Dave and the Dark Matter 9 to 12
Clutch- Pawn Shop Lifters
Cinema Cafe- Comedy at the Cafe
Chix- Evolution
Chicho's- ITV and Damaged Goods
Dogwoods- Brent Shepard
Grumpy's- Gridlock 64
Hot Tuna- Bad News for Barbie
H20- Octopus & Charleton Phaneuf
HK on the Bay- Plastic Eddie (Birthday Bash)
Havanah Nights- Cocktail Piano w/ Live Guest (Wed-Sat) 8-11PM
IL Giardino- Live Entertainment in the lounge w/ Mr. Billy Batte- 7PM
Jewish Mother- Bio Ritmo & Mafu Crew
Knuckleheads- Jesse Chong
Krossroads- West & Daniels
Poppas Pub- Blue Lords
South Beach Grill - Power Play
Thumbs- Freedom Hawk w/ Constrictor, Lo-Pan and Eye
Wing King- Billy Thompson
ODU Constant Convocation Center- Harlem Globetrotters
Sandler Center- Ballet Virginia International presents "Alice in Wonderland", 7:30PM
Scope- Admirals Hockey, 7:15PM
Funnybone- Godfrey
Widoe Feast 2012 starting at 15th Street Raw Bar
Wells Theatre- Death of a Salesman 4 & 8PM
Chrysler Hall- Mr. Marmalade, 8PM
Virginia Beach Convention Center- 2012 Field Hockey National Indoor Tournament, 8AM-8PM
AJ Gators (Fairfield)- Karaoke
AJ Gators (Holland Road)- Karaoke W/ Scotty, 9PM
Brass Bell- Karaoke
Retro Cafe- Karaoke
Cabo- DJ Corey
Chicho’s 29th - DJ
Catch 31- DJ Steve Stone, 10PM
Peabodys- Bash at the Beach w/ DJ Kendall (Every Saturday)
Jewish Mother- MOMS KARAOKE 8pm
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