Know where to go!
Time: March 11, 2011 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: Virginia Wesleyan College
Street: Boyd Dining Center 1584 Wesleyan Drive
City/Town: Norfolk, VA
Event Type: fundraiser
Latest Activity: Feb 28, 2011
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Presented by
Ceramic Designers Association
in partnership with
Virginia Wesleyan College
Feeding the Hungry in our Community
Soup Line Dinner with Personal Bowl Selection
Silent Auction & Entertainment
Handmade Bowls Contributed by Local Clay Artists
Presented by
Ceramic Designers Association
in partnership with
Virginia Wesleyan College
Advance Tickets $20 ~ At the Door $25
Ticket Sales Locations*:
OASIS CAFÉ – 1348 N. Great Neck Rd., VB 351-6672
RIVERVIEW GALLERY - 1 High St., Ports. 397-3207
HARBOR GALLERY – 1508 Colley Ave., Norf. 627-2787
FAST FRAME –717 Eden Way N. #614, Ches. 609-3618
THE ARTISTS GALLERY - 608 Norfolk Ave., VB 425-6671
1584 Wesleyan Dr., Norf. 455-3275
Empty Bowls is an international project aimed at raising money and awareness in local communities in an effort to end hunger.
Participating ceramic artists create and donate bowls that are then used to serve a simple meal of soup.
Your ticket purchases a modest meal of soup, bread and a token dessert Plus a bowl of your choice to keep as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world.
The meal is designed to give attendees a feeling of what it is like to eat in a shelter.
‘Donation’ is the word of the evening - with the generosity of Virginia Wesleyan, Sodexho Services, various businesses and people in our community who donate their time and goods, and you the public, who come and support us year after year; we are able to donate money to the food programs of a handful of charities in the local area.
Be a part of it - make a bowl, donate an item to the Silent Auction or just volunteer. You’ll be surprised at the people you know who attend the event
Tickets are $20 in advance/$25 at the door.
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