Virginia Beach Nightlife

Know where to go!

A message to all members of

Have you seen Carbon Jam yet? These guys (and a girl) have fresh energy, strong vocals, and spot-on instrumentation. Oh yeah, they're also all 13-14 years old. They play a steady mix of covers from all over the rock map, and throw in some originals too. Don't miss your shot to see them this Friday at 15th St. Raw Bar from 7:30 to 11pm.

And after that, if you're feeling depressed about what you were doing at age 13, head over to South Beach Grill to check out 10 Spot, who will be playing till last call.

Saturday night, the place for music is, you guessed it, The NorVa. "America's favorite 80's show band," The Deloreans, will be kickin' it live with up-and-comers Vedette. This is your chance to sing Duran Duran at the top of your lungs without being embarrassed (not that you should). Anyway, the show starts at 6:30 and you can grab $10 tickets at Kelly's Backstage Tavern.

If you're looking for a more intimate setting for your Saturday night, check out New Moon Cafe, where you can hear VB favorites Dave, Kate, Ross, & Rockabilly Shearin. If you dress in full rockabilly attire, we will too. We promise. No,really. Oh, and try to get there early to check out their new happy hour menu.

If you didn't embarrass yourself at South Beach too much on Friday, go back for Sunday Funday to check out The Cory Daniel Band's brand of Southern rock. You might as well call in sick on Monday, because this is some serious whiskey-drinking music.

Attention bartenders! Earn cash prizes, the envy of your peers, and the desire of drunk chicks at the Fastest Bartender contest at Wild Wing Cafe in Chesapeake on Monday. And to all you bar patrons, get out there and support these artists in their craft. For more information on the contest click here or call Billy Reilly at 202-439-2001

By the way, this weekend, why not designate a driver in the classiest way possible? Hit up Shore Ride Limo at 428-7433 and mention that you're a VB Nightlife member.

Dear Penthouse, can you help me stay awake at boring meetings? Apparently they can! Penthouse Clear energy drink is the answer, and taste tests are coming soon to a bar near you!

I don't know if you've heard, but we're having a Masquerade Ball to raise money to build a Hospice House in our community, to help terminally ill people finish their days with dignity and in comfort. We'd love it if you came (it's on January 23), but we also really need items for the silent auction. Got anything? Contact or Debra Price at The Hospice Alliance of Hampton Roads at 217-7412.

As always, party responsibly and tip well!

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