Virginia Beach Nightlife

Know where to go!

Weekend Update - Special Thanksgiving Edition

This Wednesday is the new Saturday and we have a list of parties to prove it! You won't even consider staying in tonight once you read this! Highlights include Vinyl Headlights at South Beach Grill and Ryan Hines at Lunasea. Enjoy!

If you would be Thankful to have someone else prepare your dinner tomorrow, AltDaily has compiled a list of restaurants serving Thanksgiving dinner. Click here for details Need a place to get away from the rents after dinner? Meet your friends by the fire at the New Moon Cafe or DANCE off the pumpkin pie at Lunasea ... DJ starts at 10.

Click here for the complete list of Friday's events including the Norfolk Admirals Hockey, Oklahoma! at the Little Theatre of Virginia Beach and Snackbar Jones at SOUTH BEACH GRILL.

Saturday afternoon stop in the New Moon Cafe to watch the Virginia Tech game and enjoy a complementary Pig and Oyster Roast on the deck. Later rock to a local favorite DAVE, KATE & ROSS performing w/ drummer ROCKABILLY SHEARIN. For a full list of Saturday night's events click here

Sunday in Norfolk come out and support Hope House Foundation at"Home for the Holidays." The event will feature homes on Mowbray Arch in Ghent decorated for the holidays from 1pm – 4pm then a holiday fashion/hair show with DJ and dancing at the New Belmont in Ghent. There will be dance performances from the Mambo Room as well as mini dance lessons. click here for details and to purchase tickets: For more Sunday Funday activities click here:

Tired of cooking? Out of town visitors have you stressed? Entourage Salon and Spa has extended hours through out the holiday season! Call now to make your appointments. Yesterday I enjoyed an amazing and very therapeutic massage from resident therapist Joe Higgs. Don't forget, Entourage offers VBnightlife members a 10% discount on services and is extending that discount to Stocking Stuffers & Gift Certificates for Black Friday!

Official VBnightlife sponsor PC Alternatives has generously offered our members a FREE diagnostic. ($40 value!) So, if your PC needs help call 757-689-2889 and mention VBnightlife to receive this special offer.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Enjoy your long weekend!

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