Virginia Beach Nightlife

Know where to go!

By: Antonica Welvaert, correspondent

Last Saturday was one of those savored 80 degree October days. A perfect setting for the Noblemen’s annual Oktoberfest. One of the many fundraisers hosted by the Noblemen throughout the year, it is a family oriented outdoor fair with live music, German food and beer, hosted at the Oceana Main Gate Park in Virginia Beach. Fun, games and Lederhosen clad gentlemen abound, but there was a bigger purpose in mind. I spoke with the organization’s founder, Al Midget about the Noblemen and their initiatives. “Everything we do involves helping kids” was how he summed it up.

Some of the notable programs dedicated to helping children in Hampton Roads include: yearly toy drives which supply over 3000 toys to local kids, a dictionary project that offers over 1500 dictionaries to 3rd graders and the Trolley Ride for EdMarc Hospice which provides Christmas gifts and groceries to families with terminally ill children. In addition to these larger initiatives, there are many stories of the individuals who reach out to the Noblemen for help, and the men who stand ready to answer the call.

Our local chapter of the Noblemen is a group of approximately 180 volunteers who come together from diverse walks of life and professions. Each with different contributions to offer the group; collectively they provide a wide net of resources in which to help others.

I spoke with Noblemen Paul Thatcher, known as “Sir St. Nick” for his portrayal of Santa Claus at Noblemen holiday events. He wears a button with a photo of his son Justin, who lost his battle with Leukemia at the age of 14. Thatcher provides a touching description of how the Noblemen came to his aid to help with a bone marrow drive for his son. “Over 4000 people showed up at the drive” he says obviously still touched by the generous outpouring of support. “Since then we have helped over 96 people find bone marrow transplant matches” he explained.

I learned the story of Amber, a now 19 year old girl who at the age of 2 was accidently shot in the mouth leaving her badly wounded and without teeth. The family came to the Noblemen asking for help with a dental bill but what they received was assistance from Noblemen dentist Dr. Trey White (of Oceanfront Dentistry) who helped to provide and organize dental and surgical services to fully restore her mouth. The cost of the surgery would have exceeded $87,000.

These are but a few accounts of the Noble Deeds transpiring as a result of the efforts of the Noblemen, you can learn at

Ocktoberfest event photos can be viewed at

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Comment by Mike Reff on October 14, 2009 at 5:43pm
Glad you made it out to Oktoberfest. Check out what other great things the Noblemen are doing at
Comment by Danielle Webb on October 13, 2009 at 3:39pm
Very impressive! Cheers to the Noble Men.
Comment by Melissa Swinehart on October 13, 2009 at 1:59pm
Comment by Al Midgett on October 13, 2009 at 10:48am
Nice article, thanks for coming out to Oktoberfest and being "part of the solution" in Hampton Roads!

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