Virginia Beach Nightlife

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TASTE 11 Foodbank of Southeastern Hampton Roads 22nd Annual Fundraiser

The 22nd Annual TASTE11, a fundraiser for The Foodbank Of South Hampton Roads was held March 29th at The Marriott Norfolk Waterside. A delightful culinary event with splendid fares offered from over 45 local area restaurants. A panel of judes led by Patrick Evans-Hylton of The Taste of Hampton Roads Show presented awards for Best Creative Dish won by The Culinary Institute of Virginia, Best Tasting Dish-Voila, Best Presentation of Dish – Pasha, Best Booth According to Theme – Green Onion at Great Neck, Best Overall – TradeWinds, and The People’s Choice – Mannino's. Music was provided by THE RHONDELS. Taste of Hampton Roads is the Foodbank’s annual signature event,” says Joanne E. Batson, CEO of the Foodbank. “The restaurants do such amazing work to bring together wonderful creations, our sponsors step up each year to lend a hand, and the community comes together in an effort to end hunger in our community.”


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