Virginia Beach Nightlife

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Al Roker in Va Beach for Teens With A Purpose Launch Party

Al Roker from The Today Show attended a VIP Launch Party for Teens with a Purpose. Teens with a Purpose was founded to provide HIV & STD prevention services to teens considered at risk for contracting HIV/AIDS. Its mission is to “To provide young people with a platform to empower their peers to use their voices, their energy, and their abilities to demonstrate the power to effect personal change, improve the lives of others, and foster a more knowledgeable community that is more invested in both themselves and each other using the arts and through peer-led programs and events. Emphasize education on and prevent of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Provide a nonjudgmental, safe, environment for self expression for all young people.”
Along with Al Roker, US Sen. Scott Rigell and Rep. Bobby Scott where among local and state dignataries in attendance.
The 3rd Annual Teens with a Purpose Fundraiser Gala will be held at The Westin Town Center in Va Beach Nov 4th, 2011

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