Know where to go!
Time: July 25, 2010 all day
Location: norfolk / Portsmouth / Chesapeake / Suffolk /
Event Type: weekend, update
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Latest Activity: Jul 25, 2010
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Can we talk? I've got such a hard job trying to decide what to do this weekend! So many choices, so little time, and only one of me...
I'm going to start with our outdoor events incase you happen to be a camel and can endure this frickin heat!! Ugh! My poor hair ( me out here...) But hey, it's FREE!!
Because nothing says "I love to support you" like sticky, eewy, sweat!! Friday is TGIF in Suffolk w/ Strickly Bizzness, TGIF in Chesapeake with Sojurn. Norfolk is throwing SALSA SATURDAYS, Borderline Crazy is playing at Greenies on Sunday. Just to name a few. Check the site for the complete list of festivals, bands and events:
!! NNL Loveeees our local bands!!! And if you have skillz, then show us what you got at Jack Quinns for **open mic Sunday night.
If you can, please take pictures and post them on our website! We want to see how much fun your having ;-)
If you know NNL, you know that not only do we enjoy a good party, but we love charity and fundraisers as well: This one is for our 4 legged little fellers... OCEAN VIEW PIER PARTY~SPCA
Keeping it in the "giving" atmosphere, I want you to consider the Nobelwomen. This is a great organization that help kids in need. How can you say no!? It's a great group and have fantastic meetings so please check them out!
Let's move indoors shall we? How about busting a gut with some comedy!? Honestly, who doesn't like to laugh? Only 1 show left! This will be the last show in Norfolk until late fall. So don't miss it. The Pushers
SARAPALOOZA - 37th and Zen in Norfolk is having a live music fundraising event in support of Sara L. Jones and her 3rd fight against Breast Cancer which has recently metastasized to her bones. Tix are pretty much sold out, because this ROCKS!! But check out this link to find where there might be more...
THE MOST IMPORTANT, HOTTEST, ROCKIN, BEER DRINKING, **BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU** EVENT OF THE YEAR If you want on the VIP list, please let Dera or Nicole know!! This is the first annual VBNL appreciation party & it's open to the public. I want to make this the most fun, exciting, exceeding capacity, talked about party ever! Can you make this happen? I'm knew you could! I love you guys....
NNL and VBNL will be having some changes and it's really exciting!! I just hope I can keep this secret!! Oh me gosh, I'm just busting to tell ALL OF YOU!! (insert jumping up and down like a little girl) But alas, you'll have to wait......
Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your time, and please remember: TAKE CARE OF THOSE WHO TAKE CARE OF YOU AND TIP WELL!!!
For a complete list of events in Virginia Beach click here:
Dera M
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