Know where to go!
Time: July 10, 2010 to July 11, 2010
Location: Norfolk
Event Type: weekend, update
Organized By: Norfolk Nightlife
Latest Activity: Jul 10, 2010
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Happy weekend everybody!! Did everyone see all the pretty fireworks? Did everybody keep all their limbs? Good! Now, I want to start this Edition off with a serious, but fun Event: FISHING. This is for kids with cancer, and it's all about charity!! Large Mouth Brown Trout Charity Fishing Tournament will donate 100% of proceeds to the charity!! I know!! How fricking cool is that!?!?
Ok, now back to your regularly scheduled FUN!! This weekend is filled with Live Entertainment, Beer, Food, Beer, Family, Beer, and Friends, and Beer. Starting with a Party on the Plaza!! Join them for their weekly "Party on the Patio" every Friday night starting at 9pm. Plaza Del Sol bartenders and waitstaff offer drink specials ALL night long!
Hilarious, knee slapping, belly shaking, snot running, laughter at all this comedy!! Everyone's favorite sketch group is back for 3 nights of outrageous comedy. Seriously, I've heard them, and I'm still laughing!
Here's a small taste of what's going around town...Just follow that sweet foot tapping, butt shaking, hip hugging sound right here!! 37th & Zen - N "THE INFLUENCE, KI:THEORY, PENNY PISTOLA AND THE LOVEBURN"
AJ Gator's - Cedar Rd. - C "DOAD"
Backstage Cafe - Norfolk "VINYL HEADLIGHTS"
We KNEW you couldn't resist!! Are you listed here? Is your friends? Check it out!
I don't know about you, but I'm STARVING!! I want at least one of everything~~MmmMmm FOOOOOD! I know! Duh...THis is what I'm drooling about: Yeah baby yeah!
ARRRRRRRRRRRG Maties!! Join Blackbeard and his Crew in Downtown Hampton for the 11th annual Hampton Blackbeard Pirate Festival, and see the the notorious Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard as he fights his final battle versus Lt. Maynard of the Royal Navy. This a all family fun fun fun!!
Have a GREAT, FUNNY, RELAXING weekend, and please remember to take care of those who take care of you!
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