Know where to go!
Time: August 3, 2013 from 1pm to 5pm
Location: Tapped Gatropub in Hilltop
Street: 1550 Laskin Rd.
City/Town: Virginia Beach
Website or Map:…
Phone: 757-965-5585
Event Type: fundraiser
Organized By: Beach Ambassadors
Latest Activity: Jul 28, 2013
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All five Norfolk and Virginia Beach-based breweries will be participating in the Inaugural TowneBank Battle of the Beers, an event that will raise money for Seton Youth Shelters in Virginia Beach. The event will be the first segment of the "battle" (second segment will be August 24th at 80/20 Burger Bar in Norfolk) will be at Tapped Gastropub in Virginia Beach on Saturday, August 3rd from 1pm to 5pm.
During the event, ticket holders will receive samples of beer from each brewer, and vote on their favorite beer to determine the winner. Ticket holders will also receive food catered by the hosting restaurant, souvenir pint glasses, live music, cornhole games, raffle prizes, professional photography and more!
Participating in the Inaugural TowneBank Battle of the Beers events will be O’Connor and Smartmouth brewing companies from Norfolk, and Back Bay, Beach, and Young Veterans brewing companies from Virginia Beach. All brewers are encouraged to bring whatever recipe, previously released to the public or not, they think will win the battle.
The event will be hosted by Beach Ambassadors, a grassroots effort led by six Virginia Beach men with the ultimate goal of supporting local, Hampton Roads-based charitable organizations through the use of social and sporting events. For the event at Tapped Gastropub in Virginia Beach, Beach Ambassadors will be helping to raise money for Seton Youth Shelters. Seton Youth Shelters provides a safe haven, counseling, and outreach service, 24 hours a day without charge, assisting youth in crisis throughout Hampton Roads.
Tickets are $30 per event or $55 for both events. You must be 21 years or older to purchase a ticket.
Tickets can be purchased at:
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