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The Hampton Roads College Alumni Network - 4th Annual Holiday Mixer to Benefit the Union Mission

Event Details

The Hampton Roads College Alumni Network - 4th Annual Holiday Mixer to Benefit the Union Mission

Time: December 10, 2009 from 6pm to 10pm
Location: Ibiza
Street: 328 W 20th Street
City/Town: Norfolk, VA
Event Type: fundraiser, holiday
Organized By:
Latest Activity: Dec 6, 2009

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Event Description

The Hampton Roads College Alumni Network
will be hosting
the 4th Annual Holidays Mixer

As HRCAN enters its 4th year, each event will benefit a local philanthropy. And, in the spirit of the Holiday Season, the 4th Annual Holidays Mixer will support Union Mission by collecting gifts for pre-teens(10-14) who are often overlooked during this time of year.

Union Mission is a local organization dedicated to providing shelter, nourishment, and assistance to the impoverished citizens of Hampton Roads.

Attendance is free as usual. However, it is encouraged to bring a gift for the pre-teens at Union Mission.

What to bring:
Make-up Kits
Sporting Equipment
Board Games
All items must be new

Where: Ibiza in the Ghent Neighborhood of Norfolk

328 W 20th St, Norfolk, VA 23517

When: Thursday, December 10th from 6 to 10 PM

Drink specials:
$4 Sangrias
$1 off Beers
1/2 off Wines
There will also be complimentary appetizers featuring Spanish fare.

Alumni from various universities have attended such as CNU, Clemson, ECU, Florida State, GMU, Georgia Tech, Hampden Sydney, Hollins, JMU, Longwood, Mary Baldwin, Marymount, Mary Washington, NC State, Ohio State, ODU, Penn State, Purdue, Radford, R-MC, Roanoke College, Shenandoah, Sweetbriar, UNC, U of R, USC, U of TN, U of TX, UVA, VCU, VMI, VT, VA Wesleyan, W&M, etc.

Come represent your college and network or make friends with other college graduates!

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