Know where to go!
Time: December 13, 2014 from 1pm to 11pm
Location: Virginia Beach Oceanfront
City/Town: Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Event Type: santacon, things to do in virginia beach
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Latest Activity: Dec 8, 2014
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Santacon Starts at Watermans at 1pm and we work our way North and stopping at Mahi Mahs, Calypso, 11th Street Taphouse, Peabody's, Lunasea and ending at Catch 31.
From the event organizer: "Unless explicitly stated you must assume that every SantaCon event is for adults - where guys & girls of legal age dress up like Santa and go cavorting around town for no better reason than that it's huge fun.
That having been said, some SantaCons are family friendly, some cater to children, some raise money for good causes and some will even let you bring your dog (dressed as Santa of course)! This year we will be doing things a little differently, and updates will be posted and reposted so that the word gets out to everyone attending. Come out, enjoy yourself with your friends while sharing laughs and meeting some new Santas. Of course with an event this size there are some rules and regulations and here are just a few of them...
1.Santa does not make children cry. Really, if you see kids, don't do anything to freak them out. Give them a nice smile and possibly a gift of some kind (toys, candy etc). Parents and tourists are a different matter altogether - adjust your behavior based on their attitude.
2.Santa dresses for all occasions. It's December. Smart santas wear multiple costume layers. Dress to maximize merriment whether singing Christmas carols in the snow, or swinging from a stripper pole in a hot nightclub.
3.Santa doesn't whine! We will be outside a lot and commuting mainly on foot - bring enough "snacks" to keep your pie-h*** filled until we get indoors."
See Facebook event here:
More of Daniela Gaudino's 2012 Santa Con Photos here:
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