Virginia Beach Nightlife

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The Halloween Candy Buy Back is Back!

Event Details

The Halloween Candy Buy Back is Back!

Time: November 2, 2013 all day
Location: Everywhere
City/Town: Virginia Beach
Website or Map: http://www.halloweencandybuyb…
Event Type: virginia beach events, virginia beach family fun, virginia beach fundraisers, support the troops, halloween candy buy back, macaroni kid
Organized By:
Latest Activity: Nov 2, 2013

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Event Description

A Sweet Way to Make Everyone Smile: The Halloween Candy Buy-Back Program!

Every kid loves Halloween! So do adults.  As responsible dentists, community members, and US citizens, Halloween Candy Buy Back participants have found a way to keep the fun, while helping kids and our troops deployed overseas.

Global sugar consumption for kids increases by about 2% annually and currently sits at 50 million tons per year, which means parents need to be sure their kids teeth are being cared for more than ever.  Candy, as well as hurting children’s teeth, can lead to hyperactivity and weight gain. In some cases, the wrong types of candy can also lead to broken teeth and damaged braces. 

The Halloween Candy Buy Back program encourages dentists and businesses nationwide "buy-back" Halloween candy from children in their communities and then send the candy to U.S. Military deployed in combat through Operation Gratitude or other Military support groups.

The troops love the candy--for themselves, but also to give out to the children in the communities they patrol. Many Service Members have told us that the children gave them information on where bombs and bad guys were hidden after receiving our candy and stuffed animals. They said: "You are not just putting smiles on our faces; you are saving our lives."

All types of candy are acceptable, including chocolate this time of year.

Halloween Candy Buy Back also encourage writing letters to the troops. In addition, we need small plush animals (like Beanie Babies and Webkinz) and handmade scarves for our care packages this year.

We are fortunate enough that these local dentists are participating this year:


Bay Colony Dentistry

Buy Back Date (s):  November 1st-15th during business hours 

Address:  32nd & Holly Rd, suite 506, Virginia Beach, 23451

Details: Bay Colony Dentistry will pay $1/pound of unopened candy. Each child also gets a free toothbrush 

Contact info: 757-321-0778, 



Beach Dental Center 

Buy Back Date(s): Tuesday, Nov 1st from 3-6pm 

Address:  1000 First Colonial Rd, Virginia Beach 23454
Beach Dental will pay $1/pound of unopened candy. Each child also gets a glowing toothbrush.

Contact info:  757-496-0993, 



Wernick Family Dentistry

Buy Back Date(s)- Monday November 7, 2011, from 8am-6pm 

Address: 2004 Sandbridge Rd, Virginia Beach, 23456 

Details:  Offering a Healthy Tooth Bag to the first 200 people that donate candy

Contact info:  757-427-2212,



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