Virginia Beach Nightlife

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IN THEIR SHOES: JCOC Homeless Awareness Week

Event Details

IN THEIR SHOES: JCOC Homeless Awareness Week

Time: November 11, 2011 to November 12, 2011
Location: Virginia Beach
Website or Map:…
Event Type: virginia beach events, virginia beach entertainment, virginia beach bands, virginia beach djs, virginia beach family fun, virginia beach fundraisers
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Latest Activity: Nov 11, 2011

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Event Description

his November, you will have an opportunity to become part of the Judeo-Christian Outreach Center's recognition of Homelessness Awareness Week, Nov. 6-12, 2011. The theme of the week, "In Their Shoes," will help us generate awareness for the needs of the homeless community and for all of our neighbors who are struggling due to loss of jobs or other set-backs. Plan now to participate in one or more of the following activities and be sure to bring your family, friends and neighbors to help us raise funds as well.

Our week of special events will unfold as follows:

  • "Walk In Their Shoes" - The Journey Starts Here, Sunday, Nov. 6, 2-5 p.m.
  • "Dine on a Shoestring" - JCOC Restaurant Nights, Nov. 8-10
  • "Shop on a Shoestring" - Wednesday, Nov. 9th
  • "Lunch on a Shoestring" - Nov. 7-11
  • "Celebrate on a Shoestring" Saturday, Nov. 12

To participate in any or all of these activities, for advance tickets and contributions, call 491-2846 or email

The JCOC provides a warm meal, a safe shelter and case management for hundreds of individuals in need. Your support means so much. Every dollar raised through the program allows the JCOC to continue these services to our local community. Be a part of a community solving a community issue.

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