Know where to go!
Time: May 19, 2015 all day
Location: 1st Street Jetty
City/Town: vIRGINA BEACH, VA 23451
Event Type: surfing, art
Organized By: / vbdaylife
Latest Activity: May 17, 2015
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ENTRY DEADLINE - Event entry deadline is May 19th at Midnight!
REGISTER ONLINE... The VLF is pleased to announce that you can now register online through Just click the Register & Pay Online button to the right.
DOWNLOAD ENTRY FORM... Don't worry, you can still do it the old fashioned way by downloading the entry form and mailing it in with your check. Choose your way to register and just click one of the buttons to the right.
The Virginia Longboard Federation (VLF) was started in 2001 in Va Beach, VA. It was created to help the local community and to support the sport of longboarding- the original board sport. Now, the VLF has grown and we have been hosting the Steel Pier Classic at First Street for 9 years. We are a non-profit organization that donates all of our profits to various charities in the Hampton Roads Area.
We have several unique divisions, including Pro Men's shortboard and longboard. We also have Women's Pro longboard. Then there is the 225+ division, Noseriding, Tandem, Retro longboard, bodyboard, plus all longboard & shortboard age divisions. The VLF is also partners in education with PA High School, and we host a student art show on the beach.
Beach entry if there is space available: $100 late fee
Surfers under the age of 12 can participate FREE during Billabong Grom Fest which starts at 11am sharp. The first 125 groms will surf and receive a free Billabong Lycra Jersey!
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RSVP for DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS TUESDAY AT MIDNIGHT! Billabong presents the Coastal Edge Steel Pier Classic & Surf Art Expo. to add comments!
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