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Time: January 14, 2012 all day
Location: Virginia Beach
Event Type: virginia beach bands, virginia beach entertainment, virginia beach nightlife
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Latest Activity: Jan 11, 2012
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11th Street Taphouse- Locals Night w/ Cody Austin, 10PM
501- ELEMENTjams
Abbey Road- Lisa Noel
Baker Street - Gridlock 64
Boneshakers- DEJA 9:30
Calypso- The Fold
Cobalt Grill- Josh Jordan
Clutch- Red Stapler
Diesel- Borderline Crazy
Finn McCools- Live Music
Fuegos- "Are you cool" Day Party feat DJ Jay Mayy- 4-8:30PM
Green Parrot- Robbie House
Hot Tuna- DJ Can Rock
H20- The Deloreans
Havana Nights- Justin Kauflin Quartet, 8 &10PM
HK on the Bay- Almost Famous
Hunt Room- Lewis McGehee
IL Giardino- Live Entertainment in the lounge w/ Mr. Billy Batte- 7PM
Jewish Mother- Andy Smith tribute /w Family Tree" + more $10
Keagans- UFC/Jack Becker, 10PM
Knuckleheads-Blue Lords
Krossroads- Pridemore
Murphys- Jesse Chong
Starz- Wilderness Roads
Shakas- The Hardknoc Tour, 4-10PM
South Beach Grill - Strictly Bizzness
Pink in the Rink w/ Norfolk Admirals
Meyera E. Oberndorf Central- Barefoot Movement
Little Theatre of Virginia Beach- Getting Away with Murder (through February 5th)
Angelos- A Deadly Twist of Fate, 6:30-10PM
Scope- Norfolk Admirals, 7:15
Harrison Opera House- Ruthie Foster, 7:30
Chrysler Hall- Death and the Maiden, 8PM
AJ Gators (Fairfield)- Karaoke
AJ Gators (Holland Road)- Karaoke W/ Scotty, 9PM
Brass Bell- Karaoke
Retro Cafe- Karaoke
Chicho’s 29th - DJ
Peabodys- Bash at the Beach w/ DJ Kendall (Every Saturday)
Jewish Mother- MOMS KARAOKE 8pm
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