Know where to go!
Time: June 7, 2013 from 7:30pm to 11:30pm
Location: Princess Anne Country Club
Street: 3800 Pacific Ave,
City/Town: Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Event Type: fundraiser, casa
Organized By:
Latest Activity: Jun 3, 2013
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Virginia Beach CASA presents our annual fundraiser party and 25th Anniversary Celebration
Enjoy Live and Silent Auctions, Casino Games, Raffle Baskets and More!
Dance to live music by the band "10 Spot"
$90/person after May 30
Includes Heavy Hors D'oeuvres and Beer and Wine
Morgan Davis - Emcee
Ben Davenport – Auctioneer
Attire: Casual
Purchase your tickets today by calling 757.385.5616 or visit
"Here's Looking to SEE You, Kid..."
Virginia Beach CASA has played a vital role in assisting Juvenile Court Judges with permanency planning for abused and neglected children for over 25 years. CASA volunteers have contributed thousands of hours to visiting children in their temporary homes, researching the child’s circumstances to determine possible placement outcomes, and insuring the children are not experiencing continued abuse or neglect. CASA volunteers stay with each individual case until the child’s permanent home is secured. CASA volunteers visit their children each week and are often times the most consistent person in the child’s life. Over 2,000 children in Virginia Beach have benefited from having CASA advocacy efforts over the years, and we look forward to helping many more children in the future. CASA is a private, non-profit corporation funded solely by grants and donations. We need your support this year, so that we may continue training volunteers and advocating for abused and neglected children.
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